Thursday, October 9, 2014

How I Became a Sex Guru : 3

When I was in my early teens, I went through a gay phase. Gwen, on the other hand was dating older boys. We were still friends though, chatting all the way to school and meeting up at lunch and stuff.

There was this kid, Alan, a couple of years older than I was. We got to know each other through Gwen then boyfriend.

Alan knew tricks that made me seem like a toddler feeling his privates for the first time. There was this thing he did - he'd take my semi-hard dick (I was yet to encounter full blown puberty) in between his thumb and index just below the head, along with the foreskin and twirled it right and left. Man, that got me off in seconds. I was still having dry orgasms at that point. No pre cum to lubricate or gooey cum to clean up afterwards. Just the tingling sensation that suffused the general pelvic region and the lower abdomen. It left my body utterly relaxed. So anyway, Alan kept badgering me about having oral. It felt deliciously naughty but the thought of putting in my mouth the part that he uses to pee seemed gross at that time. So I decided to consult Donna.

Donna had quit her job at the stripping club a couple of years ago, about the time she married dad. And she got pregnant too. Luckily dad's trucking business peaked, after they laid that new highway.

I sprung the question on her one day when dad was away. She looked at me for a whole minute, her right hand supporting her late trimester belly.

'If you're gonna do oral, make sure that the other kid's clean and not smelly. Else you could get a throat infection', she croaked.

(to be cont.)

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